Teacher Development Programme (CIVICA)

Beginning in fall 2023, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers from CEU and other CIVICA institutions can participate in the CIVICA Teacher Development Programme (CTDP), a cross-institutional teacher development programme to develop their skills and expertise as teachers in higher education.  

For CEU participants, these offerings supplement the teaching certificate and courses offered at the Yehuda Elkana Center for doctoral students and faculty/postdocs and should be taken in conjunction with these offerings, rather than as a replacement. 

For CIVICA members, this partnership opens new possibilities to participate in CEU’s renowned courses and workshops, in addition to existing opportunities within the OSUN Developing Teaching Professionals project 

CIVICA Teacher Development Programme Details 

The CTDP offers two levels of certification: 

  • CTDP 1: Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 
  • CTDP 2: Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 

CTDP 1 – Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education -- early career researchers must participate in sixteen hours of workshops and trainings (and where appropriate fulfil the accompanying requirements) in at least three CIVICA institutions contributing workshops from the list of CTDP 1 introductory workshops and trainings.  

CTDP 2 –  Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Higher Education -- early career researchers must participate in twelve hours of workshops (and where appropriate fulfil the accompanying requirements) in at least two CIVICA institutions contributing workshops from the list of CTDP 2 intermediary workshops and trainings.  

Eligibility and Registration 

To participate in CTDP 1 or 2, individuals must be registered as doctoral candidates or post-doctoral researchers (or equivalent) in the social sciences or humanities at a CIVICA partner institution. Each university may add specific eligibility criteria (e.g., existing teaching responsibilities), so please check with your home institution’s teaching center or CIVICA representative before registering.  

CEU doctoral students should contact the Yehuda Elkana Center before registering. 

The CIVICA Early-Stage Researcher Course Catalogue will add a list of teaching development offers as they become available. Depending on capacity and the evaluation of our pilot provision, CTDP early career researchers may be able to participate in CTDP workshops without working towards certification.  

Most CIVICA institutions are also members of the Open Society University Network (OSUN). Doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, as well as faculty and others with teaching-related responsibilities from OSUN institutions are eligible to enroll in individual CEU teaching development courses, workshops, or the entire OSUN Certificate of Teaching in Higher Education program.