Awards & Grants

The Elkana Center strives to promote the visibility and effectiveness of teaching. Several prizes recognize great teaching, while grants provide incentivizes and financial support for teaching development. Please find below a short overview of prizes and funding opportunities:

  • CEU Teaching Development Grants financially support CEU faculty and teaching staff carry out innovative projects that advance their own development as a teacher and improve student learning. Funding competitions take place twice per year.
  • The CEU Teaching Excellence Award recognizes outstanding CEU faculty. A call for nominations (from students) is released by the Rector's Office each spring.
  • The Ars Docendi State Prize is awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Education to outstanding faculty in recognition of an innovative course or teaching-related project that has already taken place. CEU faculty are encouraged to apply. 
  • The European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities recognizes outstanding educators in the European Higher Education Area. CEU employees are not eligible to apply.