CEU's Yehuda Elkana Center and the Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office are happy to announce the first round of applications to CEU Teaching Development Grants (TDG) to be carried out in the next, 2024-2025 Academic Year.
The grant is to support projects that are designed to focus on inquiry and experimentation.
The project should advance the applicant’s development as a teacher and lead to positive changes in student learning. The outcomes of the projects should be measurable and sustainable beyond its lifetime.
The maximum allocated grant amount per successful proposal is 4,000 EUR.
The deadline for application is 15 May 2024.
Applications should be submitted to Veronika Csapo (ACRO) at csapov@ceu.edu. If you'd like to discuss the development of project ideas, you are welcome to contact Michael Kozakowski at the Yehuda Elkana Center at kozakowskim@ceu.edu.
With questions about the management and implementation aspects of the initiative please contact Veronika at csapov@ceu.edu.