Experiencing negotiations: Understanding migration crisis and foreign policy making through simulation

December 3, 2018
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Simulations promote critical thinking and application of knowledge in complex or ambiguous situations, as well as more effective contextual learning. Students can better connect theory and practice, but also gain a deeper understanding of an issue at stake. Moreover, simulations often induce emotional responses, which enhances student engagement and attention, and promotes long term retention. To make the best experience for their students in understanding the dynamics of foreign policy making and negotiations, Erin K. Jenne, professor of International Relations and recipient of 2018 CEU Distinguished Teaching Award, and her Teaching Assistant, Nassim AbiGhanem (PhD Candidate, DSPS), developed a simulation for the MA course Foreign Policy Analysis.

Supported by CTL Postdoctoral Fellow Gorana Misic, Jenne and AbiGhanem designed a simulation where students were negotiating how to maintain the EU solidarity in managing the migration crisis in the context of EU Council of Ministers meeting.

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