
CTL’s Support of Online Teaching and Learning at CEU during COVID19

July 30, 2020
Helga Dorner, Margaryta Rymarenko, Gorana Misic

Moving our courses online has been an overwhelming task for all of us whose teaching takes place in a classroom setting and relies much on discussion. The CTL supported CEU faculty and doctoral students, teaching assistants by providing sessions on synchronous and blended synchronous online teaching, asynchronous online teaching and course design as well as regular online drop-in sessions.

Between March and July CTL held all together 27 sessions, which were attended by 288 participants.

The CTL contributes to European Conference on Teaching and Learning Politics, International Relations and European Studies

July 6, 2020
photo credit - ECPR

The CTL team, Gorana Misic, Margaryta Rymarenko, and Jelena Belic participated in the 4th edition of the European Conference on Teaching and Learning Politics, International Relations and European Studies (EuroTLC), organised by the ECPR Standing Group on Teaching and Learning Politics.

CTL contributes to the professional development program for faculty in Myanmar

June 15, 2020
Decorative image

In March-April 2020 CTL welcomed Maw Maw Than, Associate Professor at the English Department (University of Mandalay) and Pwint Yee Win, Lecturer at National Center for English Language (University of Yangon) as Visiting Fellows within Erasmus Plus Internship Program. At CTL Than and Win collaborated with Dr. Margaryta Rymarenko on designing a faculty development program to be launched in their home institutions as a first step in promoting teaching excellence in higher education in Myanmar.

UCD’s Sarah Morton and UW’s Donata Romizi share CEU’s 2019-2020 European Award for Excellence in Teaching

June 15, 2020
Dr. Sarah Morton, Dr. Donata Romizi

Dr. Donata Romizi, University of Vienna (UW), and Dr. Sarah Morton, University College Dublin (UCD) are the joint recipients of the 2020 European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The award is given by Central European University (CEU) and accompanied by the €5,000 Diener Prize.

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Providing accessible teaching and learning during COVID19– a guide for CEU faculty

April 21, 2020
Picture credit:

In view of COVID19 pandemic faculty and students had to adjust quickly to an online teaching and learning environment. This rapid transition has created additional barriers to accessibility of learning for all students and especially students with special needs. Accessibility issues need to be recognized and addressed by faculty when adjusting their teaching strategies to the new environment.