Call for applications: SUN 2018 course on Lifelong Learning

January 23, 2018

CEU Summer University and the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education invite applications to the course Policies and Practices in Lifelong Learning at Universities, to be held between 25 - 29 June, 2018 at Central European University in Budapest.

Application deadline: 18 March 2018

Course Directors:
Pusa Nastase and Matyas Szabo
Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education (CEU)
Course Faculty:
Jacques Lanares, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Attila Pausits, Danube University Krems, Austria

The introduction of lifelong learning (LLL) in European universities has been discussed extensively at policy level since early 2000 in various contexts and with different arguments. Among others the arguments of the so-called knowledge society and its need for a qualified workforce, the European demographics and the extended university's mission have all been invoked to highlight the importance of lifelong learning and the role played by universities in helping communities and individuals to meet professional and societal challenges. Both the European Commission and the European University Association (EUA) have developed policy documents, strategies and funded programs aimed at encouraging universities to engage and take their specific share in offering lifelong learning opportunities to a wider category of learners. In this context many European universities have set up or are considering the introduction of courses and programs aimed at non-traditional students, aside from degree programs.

This summer course is designed to advance participants’ knowledge of the specificities of life-long learning programs at universities and to reflect on the challenges and opportunities they present. Participants will discuss a wide range of case studies including successful and innovative non-degree programs, as well as some less successful ones. The course will also challenge participants to design programs relevant in their own national, regional and institutional contexts. Participants accepted to the course will be asked to present and work on a concrete LLL program or initiative from their own institution, regardless of its stage of implementation (already operational or planned).

The course is aimed primarily at institutions interested in exploring new or further opportunities to engage in LLL activities while encouraging peer learning and experience sharing among participants. We aim to cover both management and teaching aspects of life-long learning. Participants will indicate whether they are primarily interested in either of the two interconnected facets (management and teaching) and the course design will be altered to reflect participants’ interests. Concretely, additional sessions could be added either as parallel tracks or in addition to the ones already planned to make sure that participants get to discuss the topics most relevant to their institution.

The course is designed with a gamified approach whereby course participants receive roles and tasks related to the management and teaching of LLL programs. The tasks will diversify progressively during the course so that each participant will be exposed to a series of challenges to which solutions need to be identified. Situations from real case-studies will be introduced and participants will be asked to reflect on how the challenges could be resolved at their institutions.

By the end of the summer course, participants will:

  • gain advanced knowledge regarding LLL policies, most recent strategies and practices at European, national and institutional levels
  • be able to identify the specificities of adult learning
  • will become familiar with concrete case-studies
  • will have the opportunity to work on programs relevant for their institutions and receive peer-feedback.

We therefore welcome both faculty engaged in teaching in LLL formats and university leaders and managers of LLL centers interested to discuss their practices, opportunities and challenges.

for more information visit the course's website at

